The best Oatmeal Ever

For me, basic oatmeal is like an empty canvas waiting to be transformed into a rich and delicious masterpiece. in order to to make it rich and delicious you’ll need to add a generous amount of unsaturated fat such as…

New York Style Bagels

FYI, You do not need New York water to make New York-style bagels. It’s a myth. Any tap water will do. Bagels are not a New York invention. They were made by European Jewish immigrants long before they arrived in…

Moroccan Warm Olive Salad

Shabbat dinner at my mom’s is like Thanksgiving at Martha Stewart’s. The dining table is covered completely with salatim (salads). Fresh salads and cooked salads. There’s matbucha and baba ganoush, Swiss chard and harissa salad, spicy carrot salad with cumin,…