Who was the genius that came up with the idea to infuse oil with spices? Every culture has their oil infusion. My mother always have a jar of oil infused with sweet paprika and hot paprika ready to use in the fridge. In fact, most of the Moroccan Jewish I know. We use it in matbucha, tagines, mezzes. My mother makes it with canola oil, while I prefer olive oil or avocado oil. Also, I add a pinch of smoked-paprika and chili flakes instead of hot paprika. Which I can then use in Chinese dishes as if it was chili oil.
You can use it in recipes that calls for harissa or dips and mezzes:
eggplant & tomato
steamed or burnet eggplant
Moroccan carrot salad.
The oil also gives a nice touch to braised dishes:
Moroccan style braised potatoes & chickpeas
vermicelli noodles
avocado toast
Endless possibilities.

You can use it instead of harissa over dips such as hummus, mezze such as eggplant & tomato, cooked salads such as steamed or burnet eggplant and Moroccan carrot, braised vegetable dishes such as Moroccan style braised potatoes & chickpeas , vermicelli noodles and avocado toast.
Spicy Oil Infused with Paprika
- 2 tablespoons sweet paprika
- 1 tablespoon smoked paprika
- 1 tablespoon chili flakes
- 1 cup avocado or olive oil
- Put all the ingredients in a small jar and mix. Seal the jar and keep in the fridge.
- Don't mix before you use. USE only the oil and keep the paprikas in the bottom. You can stir it every now and then but let the paprika settle in the bottom before you use the oil.
- When the oil is finished, you can pour new oil into the jar, mix and use one more time and discard.