Me: If you so bored, you can write a post for my blog.
Leo: I can’t write a post I’m only nine.
Me: yes you can.
Leo: okay, I’ll try.
Hello, I’m Leo.
Next time I should whisper that I’m bored. I told my mom already that I don’t really know how to write about food, but she said I can write about anything, for example my summer break or my favorite food.
So far my summer break is the most boring summer break ever. Everybody is going to camp, but I hate camps. I would like to go to fun places like Lego Land or Sea World, but because my mom hates those places, I’m forced to go to LACMA or to hike in places where we can’t never find interesting bugs or snakes. We also go the library and Barnes & Noble which I actually like. I thought it would be fun with my cousin Benben, but it’s exactly the opposite, it’s a kind of a nightmare! He complains and bitches about EVERYTHING! But mostly about Alex!!!
Alex doesn’t have a summer break but he refuses to go to his pre-school. He told my mom that if she’ll make him go he would kill her, so my mom takes him seriously and lets him stay home.
My mom said I should mention the good things too. What good things?
Oh and here is my list of favorite things to eat.
Pomegranate. Sweet and sour food is the best!
Alex’s chocolate chip cookies. I don’t like my brother very much, but I love his cookies. He is only five and annoying but he makes the best chocolate chip cookies. Seriously!
Apricot Jam with peanut butter or butter.
My grandpa salad.
Banana & Raspberry Smoothie. Terrible picture but my mom insisted.
Green salads
PIZZA! The best food in the world!!
Cucumber, Tomato & Onion Salad. In israel we eat this salad for breakfast and in America we eat it for dinner.
Potato Chips – with ketchup.
Toast with avocado, olive oil & hot paprika.
Mango Tango. Mango with chili powder and lime. That’s how they eat mango in Mexico.
Leo’s Favorite Food

owo.. or is it wow.. Leo maatok sheli.. the ONLY boring thing is the word BORING.. so get a grip and make yourself unbored.. you know what.. simply erase this word off your Vocabulary and replace it with other words.. this alone will “unbore” you (looking for other words that is..).. so.. you are still invited to visit me in Florida.. we will do some fun stuff.. think about it.. my dentist’s assistant Barbie has a son your age and we will make play date with him..
LOVE all the foods you like.. we can make it together when you are here?? love you so much and miss you.. savtaEstee
lol leo u funny
Leo–your blog is great. I hope that the seal rescue in San Simeon wasn’t boring and it made your break a little more fun. I sometimes don’t like my brother either, but, like your brother, mine has some great cooking talent and I like his barbecue. I hope you get to eat some more pizza and I am also hoping that your parents found you a nice place to eat in Cambria. All the best.
Karina, it was a pleasure to meet you!Thank you for your recommendation, it helped a lot. we enjoyed every minute in San Simeon. Thanks again.
[…] 3. Toast with Avocado & Paprika – 5 minutes. It doesn’t get any more simple and nutritious than this. It’s very much about the bread. A good whole-grained bread will make this breakfast more beneficial, rich in fiber, and delicious. Don’t skip the light sprinkle of paprika or cayenne pepper and sea salt. They will enjoy it more. I promise. […]