simple roasted ratatouille
It’s funny that I know how to make ratatouille but didn’t know how to spell ratatuille… it took me five attempts to spell it right RATATOUILLE ? I need to explain, to the French of us, that for me, any…
It’s funny that I know how to make ratatouille but didn’t know how to spell ratatuille… it took me five attempts to spell it right RATATOUILLE ? I need to explain, to the French of us, that for me, any…
Years ago, when my boys were little, I chatted with a Bedouin mom in the playground in my hometown in the Negev, the desert of Israel. I asked her if she cooks and she said she did, everyday. So I…
I was going to make baked falafel, with the little I had in hand, but I over processed the chickpeas (I hummused the hell out of them.) I should’ve had used a fork to mush them. Oh well, no harm…
Jap-che, I love saying it with Korean accent. I can make a pretty good Korean accent because I had a Korean friend, who has a thick accent. So thick that when she says zoo it sounds like Jew. She is…
Once upon a time we lived in New York City, had no kids and no use for our kitchen. We had our breakfasts at our second homes Cafe Mogador or Cafe Gitane. Z used to get the baked feta and…
Shallow-fried fritters I whip up when I’ve waited too long for breakfast and I’m starving. Funny thing is, my older son won’t touch cooked cabbage, but he gobbles these up like there’s no tomorrow. The turmeric’s the secret – gives…
There are a bunch of restaurants and cafes in Tel Aviv that I like very much. One of them is Cafe Anastasia, which is vegan, refined sugar-free and mostly gluten-free. I go there occasionally for their vegan cheese plate or…
I have serious writer’s block. My brain slams the door in my face every time I sit down to write, just like our nasty upstairs neighbor. I knocked on her door and begged her to ask her little girls to…
I always roast my cauliflower but never thought to chop it finely and make a beautiful salad with it.
A shower thought: If there’s a Vegetarian Festival in Phuket, a Herring Festival in Denmark, a Pizzafest in Naples, and a Dumpling Festival in Hong Kong, then why there’s no Kubbeh Festival in Jerusalem. Kubbeh is a Jewish Iraqi and…
I love potatoes! Anything that is made with potatoes. From Russian potato salad to tortilla Española to Belgian pommes frites to campfire potatoes. Now that we have a fireplace – the second-best invention after a dryer – we bake them…
When baking sweet potatoes, the high heat causes their moisture to evaporate, and leaves their skin caramelized like candy – which is delicious – but overly sweet for me, so I like to mix them with spicy, sour or nutty flavors to reduce the sweetness.
I had started to write this post in the summer, while we where visiting Israel, but never finished it for the same reasons I haven’t been able to start or finish any posts since leaving Los Angeles back in June; lack of time, lack of motivation…
We’re moving! Again? Where to? I can’t tell you yet. You’ll have to wait for my next post. But I’ll give you a hint… It’s a small island in Spain. But before we settle down, we will do some traveling,…
Honestly, I don’t know what to call this dish. I think Kibbeh is the most appropriate name for it other then experimenting with black beans – I was trying to make veggie burger but I over-processed the beans and added a large egg, which made the mixture too mushy to…
The first time I had a burger was in the beginning of nineties, in Israel. It was soon after I moved in with my twin friends. David, their New Yorker dad/excellent cook made them for lunch. The first time I had a veggie burger was in 2000 at a…
I came back from Larchmont Farmers’ Market starving. I dug out an avocado, watermelon radish and microgreens from my shopping bags and in less then five minutes made myself this beautiful, nutritious sandwich.
I love Thai food but I don’t like it when restaurants make it overly sweet. Sugar has a negative affect on the immune system. I feel weak when I eat it and my slender body immediately becomes an greenhouse for fungus.
I came across this recipe while flipping through a beautiful cookbook in Barnes & Noble. Unfortunately I didn’t write down the title of the book so I can’t credit the author. I made because I needed to do something with…
I adapted this recipe from Green Kitchen Stories blog. Their recipe call for Chanterelle mushrooms but (a) I didn’t have any and (b) the price here for one pound (half a kilo) chanterelles is $42. I’m sure it tastes divine but the the humble…